Sara Morawetz étalon interview in The Art Life

October 10, 2018

New York-based Australian artist Sara Morawetz has embarked on a 2000 kilometre walk through France and Spain for a performance titled étalon. During each week of the project she’s been accompanied by one of twelve collaborating artists and writers. In September, Sharne Wolff joined Sara on the track from Carcassonne to Perpignan and transcribed one of their conversations for The Art Life, which you can read by clicking on the link below.

In 2019, Sara will be realising a solo show at DMG titled ‘Principa’, which will explore the processes that underpin scientific action. Her current performative walk étalon follows the same arc as two french astronomers with an ambitious task: to traverse an arc inscribed on the surface of the Earth and determine a new ‘universal’ standard — the metre. Sara’s walk is act of homage, endurance and absurdity, attempting to repeat the astronomical observations and calculations necessary to determine a ‘metre’ of her own making.

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