November 27, 2020
Meng-Yu Yan’s ‘Phantom Glimmer’, 2020 is a part of a virtual group exhibition ‘Collective: Ghost’. ‘Collective: Ghost’ turns our feelings into code to build a space to meet – it’s a haunted website, an artistic apparition, a space for offering, uncovering and holding one another.
Spirit photography began at the advent of the photographic medium itself with the earliest examples occurring around the 1860s. From post-mortem photographs of loved ones, carte-de-visites of soldiers who died in the American Civil War, to photographs of ectoplasm; spirit photography gave people tangible proof and a visual connection to the spiritual world. By using found images from the internet artist Meng-Yu Yan explores the world of orb photography. Regarded by many as simply a photographic error resulting from light reflecting off moisture or dust particles, Yan explores the Internet conspiracy theories that link these orbs to a spiritual dimension. The artist invites us to imagine how orbs can serve as a visual symbol or portal to our own moods, intuition, and alternate realities.
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