Jon Cattapan in 2012

‘Imagine a Raft’
04.04. - 05.05.2012

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In this exhibition Jon Cattapan will debut two related but visually diverse sets of paintings. For many years the artist has been preoccupied with ways of representing ‘the city’ as a global shifting screen of architectural information and the occupation of territories.

Here, in his ongoing  ‘Imagine a raft’ series he uses as a starting point, simple digital photographs of hard rubbish collections to present interwoven structures and objects that have a more open meaning. Set upon dreamy fields in ‘night vision greens’, these assembled readymade ‘rafts’ show his continuing fascination for how places are staked out and how identity and memories might be constituted.

He perhaps also elliptically makes reference to ‘boats and arrivals’.  Meanwhile, his liminal ‘Absence Field’ paintings also presented here, offer a concurrent vision of journey, reflection and openings. Painted in visceral deep reds and vermilions with strange ruptures, these large abstract works seem like an infra-red counterpoint.

They show the artist experimenting in a much more abstract and gestural way with both the materiality of paint and colour technique.

View artist’s press release »

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