DMG/NAS Award 2021

Nina Walton

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DMG is ​thrilled to ​be facilitating a solo exhibition at the gallery with Nina ​Walton, an MFA Graduate from NAS, as part of the DMG/NAS graduate award. The DOMINIK MERSCH GALLERY AWARD is an annual award in collaboration with National Art School (NAS). “Offering an exhibition space to show their works is the best way to support emerging and promising artists” says Mersch.⁣
Nina Walton utilises the familiar formal language of modernist abstract painting – geometry, grids, and colour interactions – to investigate what it means to work within artistic systems and strict constraints. With a focus on the act of making according to pre-determined rules, she makes use of commonplace materials such as thread and linen, paint, pen, and paper, combining them with fabricated supports to create wall works and site-responsive installations. ⁣

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